Chapoutier's parcel in Côte Blonde コート・ブロンドのシャプティエの区画

Ball and stick model of the sulfur dioxide molecule, SO2 - source:Wikipedia 二酸化硫黄の立体モデル
I tend to agree with Mr Chapoutier in his comments regarding wines "without sulfites":"C'est une connerie!" -- dixit Chapoutier. See the Decanter paper Chapoutier pours scorn on natural winemakers.
Anyway there is a confusion between "natural" wines and wines "without sulfites". Let us try to clarify.
Natural wines: According to me, wines should be called "natural" when their alcoholic fermentations are only due to endogeneous or "natural" yeasts from grapes. The same applies to cheeses: "natural" ones result from fermentations from milk's endogeneous yeasts. To sum up: Natural = No added selected yeasts!
自然なワイン: アルコール発酵が自生の(訳注:ブドウ自体に備わっている)、つまり「自然な」酵母によって行われるワインが「自然な」ワインだというのが私の見解です。同じことがチーズにも当てはまります:「自然な」チーズはミルクに自生する酵母から作られたものです。要約すれば: 自然=セレクトした酵母を添加しない!
1/ Note that 95% of Bordeaux grands crus are NOT natural in the previous sense though all great Burgundy wines are. Most of Bordeaux wine makers rely on selected yeasts for making wine.
2/ Tastewise: wines made from endogeneous yeasts are much more complex than those made from selected yeasts. This is from my experience.
3/ I think that Chapoutier-San makes some very fine wines fermented exclusively from natural yeasts.
1/ 95%のボルドー・グランクリュのワインは、上記の意味で、自然なワインではない一方、全ての素晴らしいブルゴーニュワインは自然なワインです。殆どのボルドーのワイン生産者はワイン生産においてセレクトした酵母を用いています。
2/ 味わいにおいて: 自生酵母を用いたワインは、セレクトした酵母を用いたものよりはるかに複雑です。これは私の経験から言えることです。
3/ シャプティエさんは、自然な酵母のみを使って醸造した良質のワインを幾つか作っていると思います。
"Without sulfites" is a slogan that sounds a bit naive.
To put it briefly: one cannot design wines for ageing without adding a little of sulfur dioxyde, at least in bottles, since the later is absolutely necessary to protect wines from premature oxydation.
簡潔に申しますと、二酸化硫黄を全く加えずに、少なくとも瓶詰め時にさえ添加せずに、長期熟成するワインをデザインすることはできません。瓶詰め時の二酸化硫黄はワインをpremature oxidation(訳注:長期熟成する前に酸化してしまうこと)から守るのに絶対必要です。
It is true though that too much sulfur dioxyde during fermentation will kill endogeneous yeasts as well as too much of it in bottle will close the wine. "Less sulfites as possible" (say <100mg/l) is a reasonable target for winemaking.
Eventually note that carbonic prefermentation allows a restricted use of sulfur dioxyde since it protects grapes and juice from oxydation, but I doubt this technique can be called "natural" and it is definely not suitable for making any "grand vin de garde".
Hope this helps.
Kind regards.
PS: I am very happy that Mr Chapoutier in a more recent interview comes back on his Decanter interview. He explains that according to his opinion "natural" wines should not be confused with "wines without sulfites". Decanter's title was somehow misleading.
See: Natural wine: Michel Chapoutier explains himself (French Wine News). I rather agree with Mr Chapoutier now!