- 本当に僅かなワインだけが長く熟成させることができます
- ワイン生産者は、飲まれるまで20年も待つようにデザインしていません
- もしワインが15年後にまだ良くなければ、その後良くなることはないでしょう。時間が改良するものは何もありません。
AOC広域名の赤と白(ブルゴーニュ、オート・コート、パストグラン・・・): 2~8年。
AOC村名 赤: 3~12年。ジュヴレやシャンボールの良い畑はプルミエ・クリュのレベルのものもあります。
AOC村名 白: 4~12年。ムルソーの良い畑はプルミエ・クリュのレベルのものもあります。
ジュヴレ、シャンボール、ヴォーヌ、ニュイ、ポマール、ヴォルネイなどのプルミエ・クリュとグラン・クリュ: 5~20年。特別偉大なワインはもっと寝かせることもできるかもしれませんが、熟成させることで更に得るものは特にないでしょう。魔法はありませんよ。
ムルソー、ピュリニー、シャッサーニュのプルミエ・クリュとグラン・クリュ: 6~20年。プレモックス現象(熟成前酸化問題)にもご注意ください。グランクリュ白に大落胆しないように。
Dear wine lovers,
there are many strange stories and myths about wines that only exist in Japan. One of them is about wine ageing. It seems for many people in Japan that << The older, the better>> or < <one should keep Bordeaux wines for 40 years...>>. This is naive and these facts are generally wrong.
there are many strange stories and myths about wines that only exist in Japan. One of them is about wine ageing. It seems for many people in Japan that << The older, the better
- Only a very few wines can be kept long.
- Winemakers do not design wines for being kept 20 years before drinking.
To sum up:
- if a wine is still no good after 15 years, then it will never be excellent. Time will do nothing to improve it.
- Winemakers do not design wines for being kept 20 years before drinking.
To sum up:
- if a wine is still no good after 15 years, then it will never be excellent. Time will do nothing to improve it.
The capacity of ageing much depends on the parcel, the vintage and the way the wine is made. Moreover the current trend is unfortunately to produce wines to be drunk early

We can tell roughly when to drink different appelations of Cote de Nuits/Cote de Beaune. I think that most of the winemakers would agree with those. Of course there could be rare exceptions to these rules.
AOC Regionale white/red (Bourgogne, Hautes Cotes, Passetoutgrains,...): 2-8years
AOC Village red 3-12 years. Some good parcels in Gevrey and Chambolle are worth premier cru...
AOC Village white 4-12 years. Some good parcels in Meursault are worth Premier Cru.
GC, PC Gevrey, Chambolle, Vosne, Nuits, Pommard, Volnay:
from 5 to 20 years. Some great wines can be kept longer but should not gain really from ageing. There is no magic.
from 5 to 20 years. Some great wines can be kept longer but should not gain really from ageing. There is no magic.
GC, PC Meursault, Puligny, Chassagne: 6 to 20 years. Take care of the so-called premox phenomenon (premature oxydation) in order to avoid big disappointments with some white GCs...
Last and least: beware of old undrunk stock in Burgundy. This is junk! Sellers will certainly be happy to sell you some 40years old Savigny or whatever... Don't be fooled. There are reasons why these wines -- that every pro knows about -- have not been sold...
Cheers & campai to all.
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