According to some tasting within the last years of different red wines from Burgundy I think that there is now a definite trend amongst producers to design wines from grand terroirs that can "be appreciated young" while "they should age well". Well this is at least the message to the public and that is relayed by media and critics who do their usual adverting jobs.
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Some serious wines by Pierre Boillot ピエール・ボワイヨの真面目なワインたち |
そして現在、多くのプルミエ・クリュやグラン・クリュでさえ、この方法で作られています。生産者、メディア、販売者の誰もが、これが現在の流行、「現代的」スタイルで、フィネスと純粋さの追求、などなど・・・そしてこれが、偉大なブルゴーニュの赤ワインの作り方だと説明します。しかし、これらは全て間違いです! 実際これは、素晴らしい区画から大変残念なワインを作る方法だけれど、むしろ都合がよいのです。なぜなら、良質のタンニンを持たない出来の良くないブドウを容易に扱えるからです。
I am a bit worried by this matter of fact.
To talk from a purely technical point of view: if one wants to design a wine that tastes well when young, one should look for possibly carbonic macerations, light extractions, short fermentations, no reduction, in order to produce a wine that opened up early with fermentary aromas (those do not last more than a couple of years).
There are many premier crus and grands crus which are now produced along this line. Producers, medias or whatever seller explain that this is the new trend, the "modern" style, the quest of finesse and purity etc... and that this is the way of making great red burgundy wines. Well this is all wrong! Actually this is a very poor way of making wines from great parcels, but this is rather convenient because, it deals easely with poor quality grapes with no great tannins.
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Hubert de Montille before 2003! Worth it. ユベール・ド・モンティーユ 2003年以前のもの! 飲む価値があります。 |
But red wine is about tannins, and great wines are those with much quality tannins. To produce those in Burgundy from Pinot Noir, the recipie is old and simple: quality grapes usually from great parcels, reasonable extractions via cold soaking, ageing in barrels over fine lees for more than one year with slight reduction. This is very classical by now and we know it works well. The only drawback with this method is that one needs quality grapes for extracting and one should wait a few years of ageing in bottle before drinking.
But taste a few of these classical great wines -- may be from Hubert de Montille (before 2003!!!) -- or a few others etc... and compare... This is it! This is obvious.
I had the opportunity to taste recently from a small producer a great Chambolle-Musigny wine. First of all, the ratio Q/P was unbeatable, but this was so much different and much better from what I tasted from many winemakers (that I will not name but one can easely find everywhere). I was shocked how poor the later wines tasted in comparison. They seemed very light, little tannins, no length, amylic aromas... even on PC or GC parcels. Sorry but for the price they are sold, I want something in the botlle, not a mere Pinot regional standard.
Fortunately famous winemakers who already have solid clients do not need to change their style. Was it good or bad, their styles remain the same. But for winemakers willing to sell quickly the temptation is huge to design poor wines to be drunk quickly.
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