Actually "Natural" wines means nothing since all wines are made "naturally" from grapes fermented from yeasts. Though the term "natural" is not correct, still when we talk about it with winemakers we understand each others, and every one knows what it is about!
Skipping technical details: it is about wines elaborated with the less human intervention as possible. Vineyard should grow without chemicals in the fields (weed killers, fertilizers, ...) but also vinifications should process with minimal handling and without chemical nor organic additives apart from a necessary small amount of sulfites. (I think no sulfites is no good!)
Is this way of doing wine any better?
Regarding only the taste: yes, definetely! Actually it is the only way of preserving the soil and getting the maximal aromatic complexity out of it. To this extent many kinds of indigenous yeasts will yield a much richer and complex taste than a unique kind of selected yeast. Also any attempt to correct the taste of wines will kill more of it than it is beneficial for it.
Who is doing wines this way?
Unfortunately not all winemakers. It requires much more work, care and cost, therefore it does not suit industrial winemaking. The good guys in Burgundy & Côtes du Rhônes do so. Since the 80's, the use of selected yeast, artificial ageing or osmotic techniques and so on... have been very common in Bordeaux. One talks about "technological" wines, guess which they are! There are a few rare rebels making wines the old way in Bordeaux. At VFM we think they deserve much attention since we also love Bordeaux.
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