July and August is the great transhumance period in Europe. North of Europe guys migrate by millions to the south and south east of France is their first destination... Roads are just a nightmare. Anyway I am used to visiting old good friends Helen & René when I am in France. They are now an early retired couple in Eygallières, south of France close to Avignon. They live a steady life there, enjoying sun, food, wine, social life, etc...
7月8月はヨーロッパでは民族大移動の季節です。北部ヨーロッパの人々が何百万人と第一の目的地の南部・南東部フランスをめがけてやってきます。道路はま さに悪夢。いずれにしても、僕はフランスにいるときにはいつも古い友人夫婦ヘレンとレネに会いに行きます。彼らはフランス南部のアヴィニヨン近郊の村エガ リエールで既に隠居生活に入り、太陽と食事とワインと社交生活を楽しむ毎日を送っています。
Close to René's are a lot of vineyards. Appelation for red is "Baux de Provence". Most of the winemakers are producing according to bio regulations, namely: no chemicals in the vineyards. That is an excellent point. They sell mainly to locally fortunate cutomers, so prices are rather expensive. Quality is reasonable. This is not necessarily my taste, some guys, but not all, produce techno wines (using micro-oxygenation, etc) that suit a large kind of customers. Grapes there are the usual ones in the south of Rhone valley, namely grenache, syrah, mourvèdre, etc... plus cabernet sauvignon (but why?). Terroir is just ok according to my opinion but the site just below the small chain of calcerous mountains "Les Alpilles" is absolutely wonderful.
With René I visited a couple of producers: Château de Romarin and Mas de Gourgonnier. Thanks very much to for their welcome. I also tasted and appreciated "Terres Blanches": those guys are really putting a noticeable effort to produce genuine natural wines.
A couple of pics: a stolen one from the famous Helen & René, Le Palais des Papes in Avignon with anglo-saxon old teens playing guitars, roads lined by platanes (speed limit is 80), vineyards and cellars, traffic jam on the motorway (next time I shall use an helicopter to visit René...)
レネの近所には多くのブドウ畑があります。赤ワインのアペラシオンは「ボー・デュ・プロヴァンス」。殆どのワイン生産者がいわゆる「畑に化学物質を撒かな い」ビオの規格にそって作っています。それは素晴らしい点です。彼らのお客さんは主に地元の富裕層で、値段は高めではあります。品質は適度によい。必ずし も私の好みではないのですが、多くのお客さんが好む(マイクロ・オキシジェネーションなどを行う)テクノロジー・ワインを作っているひともいます。ブドウ 品種は南部ローヌ峡谷の典型、グルナッシュ、シラー、
Avignon palais des papes アヴィニョンの教皇庁
Le top du "off" 旅先で演奏を楽しむ若者たち
Vignes dans les Alpilles ル・アルピーユのブドウ畑
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