From time to time we taste our wines. Yesterday eve, I opened a bottle of Gevrey Chambertin, Combe de Lavaux 2004 by Pierre Naigeon. I tasted the wine 6 months ago. I finished tasting this morning. There was a bit of sun outside so we could make a few pics.
The so-called Combes de Lavaux parcel is located just below Lavaux and Varoilles. This is a very good parcel in Gevrey, in the bottom of the famous Combes de Lavaux. This is not on the other side of Route Nationale! The soil there gives strong wines that open up only with age. Also let me remind that Pierre Naigeon's style is without tricks! In particular vinifications are from indigenous yeast and extractions are soft.
So how does it taste?
6 months ago this wine needed half an hour after opening. Now this is not the case anymore, it is open with aromas that denote a nice and expected evolution. Fragrance is really good, I really like that. Balance is fine and the overall strengh is rather good for a village. Regarding colour: have a look at the pics, you will see the clay-brown occurring which is due to its age. (Also note the glycerine or "fat" on the side of the glass.) Overall I found this wine very pleasant. It should satisfy the amateurs of nicely tannic and subtle Gevreys. Good job Pierre!
Shall I give a mark out of 100? Let us say: 5 stars ++, 3 hearts and a gold medal!
It is lunch time, I am going to finish this bottle.
Update June 2011. I just tasted again the wine. It shows now a magnificient evolution, very similar to that of Gevrey 1er les Fontenys vintage 2001. Actually the two parcels Combes de Lavaux and Fontenys are rather close to each other... These Gevrey wines in Combes de Lavaux get to their best with age. One has to wait for them at least 7-8 years. Campai!
私たちも時々私たちのワインの状態を見るために試飲します。昨夜、ジュヴレ・シャンベルタン コンブ・ド・ラヴォー 2004 ピエール・ネジョンを開けてみました。私は6か月前にもこのワインを試飲しました。そして今朝このワインを試飲し終わりました。今日は暖かい朝日が出ていましたので、写真を撮ってみました。
最近またこのワインを試飲しました。現在素晴らしい熟成を見せています。この熟成感はやはりピエールのジュヴレ・シャンベルタン プルミエ・クリュ レ・フォントニー 2001に通じるところがあります。実際、コンブ・ド・ラヴォーの畑とフォントニーの畑はほぼ隣り合わせと近いのです。コンブ・ド・ラヴォーのジュヴレ・シャンベルタンのワインは、年をしっかり重ねることで、その美味しさが発揮されるワインです。少なくとも7~8年は待たなければいけません。乾杯!
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