
More tasting... さらに試飲を

Some serious work. A few pics. As usual whatever is outstanding will be in Japan, I promise! Thanks also to Chantale who brought a few bottles from her cellar. She could not spit a 1er cru vintage 2005 fron Pierre Naigeon, though it was 9:30 in the morning!

A comment: I don't understand winemaker harversting too ripened Pinot. The Pinot grape is certainly difficult but too ripened, it is just wrong.

The story: Chantale (on the pic) is a very friendly neighbour and since many bottles are opened right now at home, I invited her for tasting. There was a bottle I opened 3 days ago that I could not finish. This wine is actually very well rated by famous critics. Because I am curious and it is my job, I met the winemaker and tasted his wines. At first try the wine may impress: vintage 2009, very ripened Pinot & quite much wood, so there is definitely much material in the glass. The winemaker certainly made a noticeable effort... Nevertheless after 5 minutes one gets completely saturated with the wine and realizes that though this it is tasty -- or really "full bodied" according to the anglo-saxon terminology -- it is not complex and very heavy. I made the experiment with Chantale. She tasted it and her immediate reaction was: "oh there is something there.." but after a few minutes she just said: "I just cannot finish..., it is too much, I do not like". Eventually I served to her a 1er Cru 2005 by Pierre Naigeon. (Pierre just never harvests too late according to a principle as old as Pinot in Burgundy.). Chantale finished the glass and refused to spit the wine. It was 9:30 in the morning.

May be that is a good criterion: buy the wine one cannot spit...

In a next blog I shall say a few words about vintages 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.



シャンタル(写真)は大変気さくなご近所さんで、ちょうど我が家に開けたばかりのワインが沢山あったので、彼女を試飲にご招待したのです。あるワインは3 日前に開けたのですが、いまだ飲み干すことができませんでした。実はこのワインはとある著名批評家から大変高く評価されているのです。仕事ですし興味も あったので、生産者と会い、彼のワインを試飲したのです。最初の一口はこのワインは大変印象的かもしれません:2009年のビンテージ、完熟したピノ、か なり効いた樽香、とグラスには確かに多くのものがあります。この生産者は顕著な努力をされている・・・けれど、5分後にはこのワインにまったく飽きてし まったのです。味わいがある--もしくはこれを「フルボディー」というのでしょうか--けれど、複雑さに欠け、重たいのです。この実験をシャンタルと一緒 にやりました。彼女はそれを味わった直後の反応は「Oh、何かある(何か感じるものがある)・・・」けれど数分後に彼女は「飲み終えれない・・・。(味 が)多すぎる。好きじゃない。」そこで、今度はピエール・ネジョンのあるプルミエ・クリュの2005年を注ぎました。(ピエールは、ブルゴーニュのピノと 同じくらい古いブルゴーニュの原則に従い、決して収穫が遅いことはありません。)シャンタルはグラスを飲み干し、ワインを吐き出しませんでした。それは朝 9時半のことです。

たぶんこれはいい判断基準でしょうね: 吐き出せないワインを買おう。


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