9th of July: We had a great evening yesterday at Restaurant Noel by Mari & Nori Hirata at Ube- Yamaguchi. We finished this morning at 3:30 so I just put a few pics for today and leave the story for later (truly great food btw!). Thanks to all there.
10th of July: Ok here is the story. Hirata-san tasted a couple of our bottles and liked them, so he invited us for a wine evening with some wine lovers at his place. He did the cooking and we brought wines.
Nori & Mari's restaurant is lovely & friendly. Yes it is a restaurant but it also looks as well like library, with good books, paintings and music. One feels at once very comfortable in such a place.
Foodwise, we had the following menu that eve:
- lobster
- whelks
- magic soup
- pigeon
- mango sorbet
- cheese: comté and roquefort
That was truly fine. Lobster was presented with mango, basil, fresh fig & olive oil. Whelks were cooked with parsley and butter just like Burgundy snails -- I prefer whelks!
The soup was made only from carrots as Hirata-San claimed. That fact was hard to guess: the soup had a marvelous sweet taste of nut so that any child would have eaten it without complaints. Pigeons were delicious, very finely cooked and presented with their liver paste and carcass sauce. Unfortunately I did not take pictures of the whelks, sorbet and cheeses... sorry I know, I have no excuses!
Winewise, we had in order:
Meursault 2007 Uliz,
Morey 1er 2006 and
Gevrey 1er Lavaux 2004 from
Pierre Naigeon,
Corton Charlemagne 2007 Uliz (yes on roquefort!), and Bas-Armagnac 1988
La Fontaine de Coincy.
Eventually everybody went back home at 3:30 using taxis...
Great job by Mari & Nori. Thanks to all who enjoyed that eve with us.
PS: I also enjoyed discussing wines with Hirata-San and guests. All were wine lovers and some were wine experts. I noticed Hirata-San's great collection of bottles from famous chaps in Burgundy. Hirata-San has also less famous and very interesting wines which I knew from France. I noticed he liked Roch-Pacalet's style!
-チーズ: コンテとロックフォール
レストラン ノエル
〒755-0067 山口県宇部市大字小串1-1-20 Box2 101
Tel.: 0836-31-1118