Natural wines - indigenous yeasts
One point that is curiously not so known by a wide audience is the use or non-use of added yeasts for wine making. For French people there are other close examples: bread and ... cheese. Either one uses natural ferments from the milk to make cheese or one can choose to kill existing bacterias and replace them by selected ones.
These two options exist for making wines. Either keeping natural yeasts which are on the grapes after harvesting, those will do the first alcoholic fermentation. Or using SO2 and add selected yeasts. Often the later resist to sulfites and will naturally dominate or kill other yeasts.
So what is the good way of making wines? What are the respective advantages or drawbacks of both methods?
In brief fermentations are natural organic processes and the crux for winemakers is to make the good little bacterias work the best as possible. There are also bad bacterias which one wants to avoid.
Yeasts have their own taste since they create phenolic composites. (I am definitely not a specialist in organic chemistry but basically the later composites define the taste of your wines.) One talks about "neutral" yeasts or definitely less neutral ones. That is why it is sometimes funny to read some critics naming particular tastes in wine/champains while those just mainly result from a kind of selected yeasts. Better naming the yeast is not it? May be less romantic...
Killing indigenous yeast or using selected yeasts is an easy way to realize efficient and uniform wines and possibly to get a certain targeted taste. That also avoids accidents with bad bacterias. Of course one can find many scientific papers explaining that a good us of added yeasts is a very reasonable way to design wines but this idea is definitely not shared by winemakers. Anyhow one should always trust its own taste...
Now this is my personal opinion. I usually much prefer wines which alcoholic fermentation is due only to indigenous yeasts. They are much usually much more complex. Those wines can sometimes taste less "body-builded" or "perfect" but they certainly reflect more the true nature of the soil ("terroir") where the vineyard grow. I think that I can most of the time recognize added yeasts. Wines just taste efficient but simpler.
Note that there are also yeasts inherited from the cellar... That is another problem when all wines produced in a given cellar tend to have a slightly common taste...
Added yeasts is very common especially in Bordeaux. My favourite Burgundy winemakers do not use added yeasts to help the alcoholic fementation.
熊本県山鹿出身のYさんと、度々お世話になっているHさんをご招待して、友人のN宅でささやかなパーティを行いました。パプリカの前菜をオート・コート・ド・ボーヌ ドメーヌ・ルシアン・ジャコブ 2008で楽しんだ後、2時間ほど前に抜栓しておいたジュヴレ・シャンベルタン コンブ・ド・ラヴォー ピエール・ネジョン 2004を肉のグリルの組み合わせと共に楽しんでいただきました。Hさん持込みの素晴らしいグラスで、ジュヴレは丁度よい具合に開き、皆さんにも楽しんでいただけたと思います。
またまたアラフォー会です。今度は餃子です。Rちゃんが腕を振るい、水餃子、焼き餃子、にら饅頭に、チキンサラダ、ひじきのあえもの、玄米ご飯のおにぎりとすばらしいメニュー。弁護士で現在専業主婦のRちゃんの手作り水餃子は、ほおばるのが勿体ないほど高級な気がするのは私だけでしょうか?乾杯にビールを少しいただいた後、サン・ヴェラン ドメーヌ・ダニエル・ポリエー 2008の白で始まり、シャトー・トーバラドーズ サンテミリオン グラン・クリュ 2004と、モレ・サン・ドニ ドメーヌ・シュミット 2005の対照的な赤二つを順に楽しんでいただいた後に、オート・コート・ド・ボーヌ ドメーヌ・ルシアン・ジャコブ2008の白まで4本空いてしまいました。Hちゃんの小松菜ケーキと、Rちゃんのイチゴのムースのデザートまできれいに平らげて、完食。初参加のHちゃんは、「まるでSex and the cityの映画の中にいるよう!」といっていましたが、この会のおしゃべりの中身は秘密です。
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