ヴォルネイのワインのほうが、ポマールと比べてより軽い、もしくは「女性的」(これがヴォルネイの典型的イメージですが)で、チャーミングな香りがあります。口に入れた時の最初の味わいは「鉛筆の芯」で、レトロオルフェクションは「オレンジの皮の苦み」。これは私の表現ですが、ちなみに、私はこの同じ味わいのある、この同じ地域から作られた2つの違うワインを知っています。1つはビュイッソン=シャルルのAOCブルゴーニュ ピノ・ノワールで、もう一つはドメーヌ・アンリ・ジェルマンのムルソー クロ・デ・ムーシュです。つまり、これらのワインは大変良く作られていて、この作られた場所を良く表しているのです。
Tasting yesterday of these two wines at our wine seminar in Fukuoka.
Their style is "classical", no stem, cold soaking, reasonable extractions, elevage in barrels for a bit more than one year with little new barrel (30% -- I guess). Olivier Cyrot aims at accessible wines that reflect their origins. His village and PC wines can usually be appreciated after a few years.
The Volnay wine is made from parcels in the bottom of the slope of the Volnay hill: Poisots, Lurets, Cros Martin, Famines. The Pommard wine is made from the parcel Cras that is located at th bottom of the hill in the south of the Pommard village and from parcels Combes, Riottes, Vaumuriens and Vache, all located on the south side of the Pommard combe. (This is the side where orientation of the slope is rather North then.) That Pommard area is much colder that the Volnay one and that will reflect on the wines.
The botlles were served straight after opening and we tasted them for about one hour. Yoko and I could taste a bit of remaining wine 5-6 hours after opening. The effect of oxygen was noticeable and very positive on the two wines. Both these wines are rather young and the differences between the two wines became clearer and clearer with oxydation. Both have nice tannins that benefit from oxydation (for polymerisation). I thought that the Pommard wine would have required decanting but that was eventually not the case. The retro-olfaction was quite impressive and complex with these two wines, due to tannins.
The Pommard has more tannins, which are a bit rougher also, which is typical of thick grape skins due to lower temperatures in the Pommard area. Compared to the Volnay wine, the Pommard wine seems deeper with these colder aromas. Great length especially for a village with nothing bad, tannins were quite enjoyable.
The Volnay wine was lighter or more "feminine" (this is the usual picture!) with charming fragance. First effect in mouth was "pencil lead" and retrolfaction gives "bitter oranges". This is how I would describe it... Note that I know these aromas from two other wines from the same area namely the Bougogne Pinot Noir AOC from Buisson-Charles and the Meursault red Clos des Mouches of Domaine Henri Germain. That makes me think that all these previois wines are well made since they do reflect their origins...
To sum up, I liked very much these two wines, since they are really well made with no artifacts and really tasted like what they should: two fine village wines, one from Volnay and one from Pommard.
They are also quite enjoyable, right now.