This book has just appeared and is making much noise right now, at least in France. It is a 2 year investigation by journalist Isabelle Saporta against the wine business in Saint-Emilion and especially about the last Saint-Émilion ranking.
I read this book and found it very informative. Isabelle Saporta is certainly courageous writing such a daring book. Eventually one can read true stories of winemakers in Bordeaux, not mere silly paid adverting papers in those too many wine reviews or wine blogs.
The book brings to the fore what everybody knows: the Saint-Emilion ranking does not reflect the quality of the wines and is discriminatory against small producers. Technically the tasting note for the wines is just 30% of the overall ranking mark. Criteria regarding the capacity of welcoming and hosting visitors are taken into account: the capacity of parking areas, bilingual hosting staff, seminar rooms, etc... Also a dedicated chai for the grand cru is necessary. Eventually communication is taken into account: number of publications in wine reviews, etc... Surprisingly -- but is it really? -- these ranking criteria are validated by the french authority INAO and published in the Journal Officiel. The book explains why this is the case: the state agency INAO is not independent, it is actually governed by winemakers sitting at its committees.
I think, and I am far from being the only one, that Bordeaux rive droite is just becoming a place like Dysneyland and big money killed wine here. Sad thing since Bordeaux wines were great 30 years ago.
Last news is that Hubert de Bouard Château Angelus' owner and also chair of the INAO committee for Bordeaux, who was cited in Isabelle Saporta's book is sueing her. We will see...
この本を読んで、私は興味深いと思いました。Isabelle Saprtaは、このような大胆な本を書いて、確かに勇敢でしょう。結果、数多のワイン雑誌やワインブログの、広告宣伝費の支払われたくだらない単なる記事ではなく、ボルドーのワイン生産者の本当の話が読めます。
最新のニュースでは、このSaportaの本の中でも言及されているシャトー・アンジェルスのオーナでかつボルドーのINAO委員長でもあるHubert de Bouardが著者を訴えているそうです。これからどうなっていくのか・・・