緑茶でも、コーヒーでも、ブラックチョコレートでも同じです。(但しあの甘たるい安物脱脂粉乳を大量に混ぜたものではありません。)私がこのことを何度も繰り返すのは、土曜日に来店した懇意のお客さんが、赤ワインは好きだけれどタンニンは好きではないと言ったからです!!! 私にはそれは全く意味がありません。ブルゴーニュの上級畑でさえ、軽い赤ワインを作るのが昨今の流行です。こういう生産者は、最上のタンニンだけを取り出すために軽い抽出を好んで用いると説明します。けれどこれは宣伝文句にすぎず、実際はブドウの品質が劣るため十分な抽出が行えないのです。(そういったブドウはネゴシアンからのものが多いです。)
Thought of this monday morning:
Red wine is all about tannins!!!
Like green tea, black chocolate (not that awful sweet milky stuff...), etc... I repeat it because I had a chat with a dear client on saturday. He claimed he loved great red wines but not tannins!!! That made no sense at all to me.
Also there is a trend to produce light red wines even from great Burgundy parcels. These producers usually explain that they prefer light extractions in order to retain only the best tannins. Actually this is a mere commercial argument since actually the truth is that the quality of their grapes (often from negoce) do not allow much extraction.
So: the quality of red is mainly that of its tannins. They should be both qualiltative and quantitative. Which is quite difficult! Some tannins are fine, some are rough and unpleasant. But all in all, a red wine without tannins is not a red wine. It is rose' or something else... And if one does not appreciate tannins, one should rather go for white wines or sake' for instance. Do not spend a fortune on red if you are not looking for tannins.
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