Herbicide in a Grand Cru parcel! クリオ・バタール・モンラッシェ(グランクリュ)に除草剤
これら2枚の写真は、友人のフェイスブックから拝借しています。彼がほんの数日前に撮影したそうです。ここの区画は、大変高価なワインを輩出するクリオ・バタール・モンラッシェ グランクリュの畑です。この写真からも、除草剤が大規模に散布されていることが一目瞭然です。
I borrow these two snapshots from a friend's FB page. Thanks to him! He took them a couple of days ago. The parcel there is Criots-Batard-Montrachet, Grand Cru producing expensive bottles. At the sight of these picture it is quite obvious that herbicide has just been massively spread.
With the help of Google or whatever search-engine, it is not difficult to find the owner of this parcel: Criots is quite small and there are only a couple of owners there (3!). Checking the official website of the domain owner in question, I noticed that they claim very explicitly "not using any chemical herbicide"... Beware there are massive distortions between folklore stories to please tourists and real practices in the vineyards!
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