

Japanese guy talking about wine importers in Japan... Is he just advertising his importer friends? How can the author of this book pretend knowing the work of all wine importers in Japan? 

I am sorry but we are wine importers, I have never heard about this guy -- and does anyone know him in Burgundy?? -- and he has never tasted any of our wines. Question is: how did he select importers? 

Also I am really surprised to see that he considered as a "good" importers some which we know are bad. I won't give names. All this looks like nonsense from a wine point of view and badly biased. 

If you want to know who is working well with wines, I think that I am well informed and I am happy to tell you.

Let me explain just one more thing. First of all: one should consider how wines are stored. 18 degrees is not a storage temperature for wines... If one considers this argument then one should eliminate many wine importers!






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