
Mâcon-Verzé 12 Leflaive マコン・ヴェルゼ 2012 ルフレーヴ


Domaine Leflaive owned by Anne-Claude -- NOT Olivier! -- bought vineyards in the Maconnais and started producing wines in 2004. Their aim, as they claimed, was to produce a wine more accessible, immediate, simple and also certainly cheaper than their Puligny wines. Yet this is still not a cheap wine (4400Yens without tax in Aug 14). Vinifications are less ambitious than the ones for their Puligny wines. They use here stainless vat for alcoholic fermentations rather than doing it the traditionnal burgundian way where both alcoholic and malolactic both take place in small wood barrels. Alcoholic fermentations in vat generally yield fresh wines, enjoyable early with fermentary aromas but, take care, they do not age well and need to be drunk within 1 or 2 years. After that they oxydized.


So, how did this young wine taste? It is a 2012. Well it was very good. Great aromas straight after opening though they to disappear though with oxydation. Powerful mouth with minerality balanced between acidity and typical bitterness. That made me think that the work in the vineyards should be very good. First glass was very enjoyable but I wonder whether one glass was just enough... Actually this wine is genuine but not very civilized, this is the style with such vinifications... I tasted again this wine 6 hours after opening. It was still powerful with the same acidity and bitterness but without much perfume. This shows how this wine evolves with oxygen. In brief I would say that it is a fine and very nicely made wine. Yet I prefer alcoholic fermentations in barrel which can be found within that price range.

それでは、この若いワインの味わいはどうだったか?このワインは2012年産です。実際とても良かったです。抜栓直後から芳醇なアロマがありましたが、酸素に触れるとともに消えていきました。ミネラル感が力強い味わいで、酸味と典型的な苦味のバランスがあります。このことから、畑仕事は大変良いだろうことが想像できます。最初の一杯は大変楽しめますが、でも一杯で十分かなとも思います・・・ 実際、良いワインなのですがあまり洗練されているとは言い難い、これがこの醸造方法で作ったワインのスタイルなのです。・・・抜栓後6時間して再度試飲しましたが、相変わらず同じ酸味と苦味の力強いワインですが、香りはずいぶん失われていました。このことが、このワインが酸化によってどのように熟成していくかを示しています。要するに、これは良く作られた、よいワインです。けれど私は、同程度の価格帯で見つけることもできる、木樽でのアルコール発酵のほうが好きです。

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